15 March 2008

The world's 50 most powerful blogs | Technology | The Observer

When I see this list of the most influential blogs in the world and realise that I've not read any of them, I know how far out of touch I am with popular culture.

Of course I've always thought being countercultural was better, but being countercultural when you don't even know the culture you're being counter to is rather difficult. So over the next fortnight or so, time and Telkom bandwidth caps permitting, I hope to go through this list and fill in the gaps in my education.

The world's 50 most powerful blogs | Technology | The Observer
From Prince Harry in Afghanistan to Tom Cruise ranting about Scientology and footage from the Burmese uprising, blogging has never been bigger. It can help elect presidents and take down attorney generals while simultaneously celebrating the minutiae of our everyday obsessions. Here are the 50 best reasons to log on

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