09 September 2010

Synchroblog on immigration

Yesterday some bloggers had a synchroblog on immigration.

A synchroblog is when a group of bloggers decide to post articles on the same topic at about the same time, with links to each other's posts, so that you can surf through the posts and get a variety of views on the topic. Thanks to Sonja Andrews for coordinating this month's synchroblog, and for reviving it.

This synchroblog was specifically on Christians and the immigration issue. Why just Christians? Aren't others concerned about it?

Well part of the answer is to be found in a blog post that isn't part of the synchroblog, but perhaps ought to be:The New Litmus Test | Solomon Hezekiah:
All of my friends (and yes, I have a few) who used to go on and on about abortion now go on and on about immigration. The level of perjorative that used to be reserved for those favouring abortion rights or, at worst, abortion providers, are now reserved for those favouring leniency toward undocumented immigrants. In fact, if anything, it is worse. In reading around the conservative blogosphere and even in talking to individuals face-to-face (because people tend to be much less restrained in the pseudonyminous detachment of the internet), opposing views are treated with anger, aggression, and a remarkable lack of civility.

That was written by an American living in the UK, which shows that the problem is international. In South Africa immigration has been linked to xenophobia, and some South African newspapers, notably The Sun, have published articles calculated sto stir up hostility to "illegal aliens". I've been told that in Australia "asylum seekers" is a dirty word.

But the dirtiest thing of all is that in America it appears that the "new litmus test" is being applied by people who like to call themselves Christians.


Steve Hayes said...


by "insiders" do you mean that the participants were themselves illegal immigrants?

Steve Hayes said...

Skylding, having looked at the post you mention, at Horror in Mexico | Cranach: The Blog of Veith, I'd say it's not so much about immigration per se, but more about human trafficking.

Though the two are sometimes related, I think they are separate issues.

Steve Hayes said...


Check Sonnie Sventson-Forbes's contribution.

For the real insider story, see About me | OrthoCuban.

Jarred said...


If this is the same synchroblog I think it is, they've historically kept it a Christian-only synchroblog. A couple years ago, a non-Christian (not me) inquired about participating, there was a discussion about it, and it was decided to keep the synchroblogs limited to Christians. In fact, I believe that was the same discussion that eventually resulted in you starting the religionrap group and even trying a couple of interfaith synchroblogs. (I miss those, by the way.)

Steve Hayes said...


Yes, it is the original synchroblog group, which was started as a specifically Christian one.

The interfaith one doed because a lack of interest. The Religionrap discussion forum continues, but the only people active on it are a Jew and a liberal Protestant whose copnversations seem to turn quickly to the minutiae of American or Israeli politics. As one of them doesn't blog it wouldn't be much of a vehicle for the promotion of interfauth synchroblogging.

Jarred said...

yeah, I still follow the religionrap group. Most of the stuff on there doesn't interest me, and I haven't had the time or energy to write up something that would interest me and try to introduce to the group.


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