04 October 2010

Management Science: the political implications

The Ig Nobel awards provides recognition to the most improbable research, but I'm not sure if this one qualifies:The Poor Mouth: It makes you proud to be British:
Management prize

To Alessandro Pluchino and team at the University of Catania for demonstrating mathematically that companies work more efficiently if staff are promoted at random.

If that's true, the political implications are significant.

How about holding parliamentary elections by random selection?

Allow a random number generator to select members of parliament automatically, thus saving the cost of general elections. It would be no less democratic or representative than the present system, and might indeed lead to greater efficiency, as parliamentarians could concentrate on running the country instead of grandstanding to get themselves re-elected.

1 comment:

James Higham said...

How about holding parliamentary elections by random selection?

Sounds great to me, if "random" can be assured.


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