Bishop Alan’s Blog: BNP MEP’s: bring on the clowns?:
The disconnection of the Labour party from its own roots under Blair, Sun style pop Xenophobia, and disillusionment with parliamentarians, produced this result. Politicians must listen, not only pragmatically, but in a way that reconnects with this country’s historic Christian value base, or things can only get worse.

The xenophobic violence that lasted most of the first half of last year shows that we have not yet exorcised the demons of apartheid. And the demons that have been expelled seem to have emigrated to Europe, where they found the house swept and garnished, first in the wars of the Yugoslav succession, and now in the growing xenophobia in places like the UK.
But perhaps part of the problem in the UK could be remedied by voter education, which is very much needed, if the following example is anything to go by: Cranmer: Could the BNP now be sued for discrimination?:
The far-Left BNP may have won two seats on the Elections to the European Parliament, but, while this success undoubtedly constitutes something of a political and propaganda coup, Cranmer is not so sure that Nick Griffin will consider it much of a blessing when the lawsuits start being delivered.
"Far-Left BNP"? Perhaps that is the result of a misinterpretation of our Lord Jesus Christ's injunction not to let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, but it seems more likely that it is caused by not being able to tell one's left from one's right. What does one call that? Political dyslexia, perhaps? So if the blogger Cranmer's view is widespread, perhaps a lot of Brit voters simply voted for the wrong party, and thought that the "HITLER" tattooed on the chest of the gentleman in the picture spells "T-R-O-T-S-K-Y".
It's more a statement than anything.
If you define the political left as the part of political spectrum concerned with the extension or imposition of state control of the economy, and from there to the rest of the life of the citizenry,then both communism and fascism are political philosophies of the left. At least at the beginning fascism and communism were socialist allies. It was only relative to communism that fascism was seen as a right wing movement. In light of this, I think Crammer is right, the BNP, like Nazism, is a left wing party. I think it really depends on where we place our markers.
Huh? What was a statement?
Haha, very true.
There is an organised Gramscian campaign of disinformation at work here. It's not being taken anywhere seriously enough.
Gregory, fascism isn't about state control of business. It's about business control of state, and enforced state-worship to prop it up.
"At least at the beginning fascism and communism were socialist allies. It was only relative to communism that fascism was seen as a right wing movement"
This is just nonsense. Take Germany - the first people outside of Nazism to be 'converted' were traditional conservatives, worried about the political power of the organised working class.
Have you ever heard of the Freikorps?
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