All literacy across learning experiences and outcomes
People who want to teach literacy first need to be literate themselves, or is it just that Scotch dialect is outwith the remit of English speakers?
The main aim of this blog is to interpret the Christian Order in the light of current affairs, philosophy, literature and the arts -- and vice versa. So it's about ideas. Social, political and religious comment. Links, notes on people, places, events, books, movies etc. And mainly a place where I can post half-baked ideas in the hope that other people, or the passing of time, will help me to bake them.
All literacy across learning experiences and outcomes
Come again?
Err now that doesn't make much sense at all!
Educationese is the most impenetrable jargon of all. I once edited the study material for a university course called "Temporal Andragogics" (I kid you not). The lecturer thought that "History of adult (male) education" didn't sound nearly "scientific" enough.
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