24 July 2009

Catholic Nurse Sues Hospital over Abortion

Catholic Nurse Sues NY Hospital over Abortion - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com:
A Catholic nurse is suing Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City for forcing her to participate in a late term abortion and violating her rights of conscience.

The Tuesday lawsuit claims hospital administrators told nurse Cathy Cenzon-DeCarlo the abortion was an emergency and insisted she participate in the second-trimester abortion or face possible termination. The woman was 22 weeks pregnant.

A case of "terminate or be terminated"?

There is something in this story that someone is not telling us. Without the missing piece of the puzzle it is not possible to make sense of the actions of the participants in the story.

The missing piece is the nature of the "emergency".

Some news stories are mysteries because not enough is known at the time -- the cause of a plane crash, for example. B ut this is one of those that are mysteries because the people who tell the story know but won't tell.

Perhaps the truth will come out when the case comes to court, but will the new media be bothered to tell us the missing bits then?


James Higham said...

It does seem a bit odd, doesn't it?

ZZMike said...

News reports say that the hospital recorded this as a "Category II" procedure - not life-threatening.

Here's one:


"According to the lawsuit, the abortion was not an emergency situation.

“Category I” is the classification reserved for “patients requiring immediate surgical intervention for life or limb threatening conditions," but the abortion in this case was classified as a “Category II." That is a determination for surgeries needing to take place within six hours."


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