04 October 2007

I can't face Facebook any more!

It's worse than being a student and having three assignments due by tomorrow.

I get back from the Telkom bandwidth cap and what do I have waiting for me:

1 friend detail request
4 group invitations
3 sticky note requests
5 cause invitations
4 cause invitations
1 iread invitation
9 superpoke! friend requests
1 you're hot request
1 mood invitation
1 friend quiz request
1 are you interested? invitation
2 movie compatibility requests
2 booze mail requests
13 bumper sticker invitations
1 super wall post request
1 wall post request
1 zombies invitation
2 vibrating hamster requests
1 hotlists invitation
2 my garden invitations
1 (fluff)friends invitation
1 you're hot request
1 travelmap invitation
3 hot potato requests
1 hot potato request
1 my aquarium request
1 hatching gift invitation
4 top friends friend requests
2 wave to friend requests
1 sing badly friend request
1 annoy friend request
1 sing badly to friend request
1 tickle friend request
1 freebee invitation
1 chess request
2 im invitations
1 growing gift invitation
1 puzzlebee request
1 my solar system invitation

What? No partridge in a pear tree?

How can I begin to meet all those obligations.?

I think I'll engage in some displacement activity, to put off having to face it -- filling in my Income Tax return or something.


Rock in the Grass (Pete Grassow) said...

Hey Steve - perhaps you can just see this as cyberspace wanting to embrace you? Feel the little rays of light emanating from your screen......and be warm

Unknown said...

Steve. why bother. I am sticking to being a staid old blogger.

Blessings and bliss

seth said...

i'm SOOOOO adding you as a facebook friend!!

existentialist said...

Just ignore everything you are not interested in. And remove those people who annoy you. Its simple.


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