As the BBC News - The future is fidgetal notes:
Technology, and the hype that surrounds it, is changing the way we speak. But we don't have to turn into drones, all spouting the latest i-word. Chris Bowlby says it's time for the techno-bullied to fight back with their own subversive speak.
With the online Oxford English Dictionary recently re-launched and on the look-out for new language, maybe it's time for a counter-revolution.
Here are some of the BBC's suggestions:
BBC News - The future is fidgetal:
High time that changed. Here, as a start, are a few of my suggestions, with definitions to try and get them into all those new dictionaries.Other contributions are welcome.
- Fidgetal - modern technology whose primary purpose is to give people something to do with their fingers (closely related to the decline of smoking)
- MisApp - something going terribly wrong due to over reliance on latest Phone gizmo
- Wikisqueak - sound emitted by diplomat who realises she's sent confidential telegram without proper encryption
- Dreadsheet - spreadsheet containing very bad financial news
- Disgracebook - social networking site advertising user's embarrassing past
- Mobile drone - lover of interminable tedious and public phone conversations
- Sin card - alternative device to fit in mobile for immoral communication
- Powerpointless - universal feeling in room at end of hi-tech executive presentation of negligible value
- Skypeochondria - queasy feeling brought on by obsessive fear of being offline
- Scroogele - search engine for people trying to find cheapest online gifts
Otherwise, in the fidgetal future, any memory of pre-tech language will have been wiped or corrupted.
Any more?
Instead of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" I'd rather look backwards than forwards in an attempt to fight the information/distraction war on our attention spans. Great site I stumbled across the other day, adopt a word:
it's time for the techno-bullied to fight back with their own subversive speak
Not a bad idea at that.
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